Thursday, April 8, 2010

So far, so good

My US on Monday was all clear, so I got to start Lurpron injections. Because it is given sub q (into the fat) I can easily give them to myself. And they don't even hurt.
As a nurse, I've given plenty of shots to other people, but none to myself. But I did it and I survived.

Lupron 1o units before 10 am daily. It keeps me from ovulating too soon!

This is what $2300 worth of IVF medications looks like.

I've quit going to the gym due to my doctors instructions and started doing yoga at home. Because we all know that relaxation is the key to getting pregnant! Or at least that's what I've been told 100+ times.

On Sunday I stop taking BCPs (thankfully!). And soon I'll start the real meds: GONAL F. That is what is going to make me produce lots and lots of eggs.

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