Thursday, April 1, 2010

And so I start!

I still can't believe that I'm really doing this! I never would have thought that it would come down to this. Several months ago I said that I wouldn't do IVF. But that was before we found out that it was our only option if we wanted to conceive. It's amazing how one phone call can change everything.

It has taken a while to get used to not temping/charting/POAS daily. But I've realized that none of the will help me get pregnant.

While I am thankful that we have the technology (mainly IVF with ICSI) to attempt this, I am sad that I have to go to these measures to do what comes easily to most people.

I am terrified of the shots (the IM injections), the side effects of the medications, and mostly the fact that this might not work. That is what scares me the most. So I just don't think about that.

The first (and easiest and cheapest) part of my IVF meds.

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