Sunday, April 11, 2010

My love/hate with IVF

As much as I hate the think of all that is coming up within the month, I can't help but be excited at the possibility of being pregnant a month from now!!!

Wow! I want this to work so bad...but if it doesn't I'm going to get Brodie two kittens for his birthday.

If I can't produce a sibling for him, a pet (or 2) is the next best thing.

I was reading through all the IVF paperwork/consents and for the egg retrieval, it said that they will use general anesthesia. I thought that my doctor had said IV sedation, so I'm going have to verify that when I call them this week.

Also I want to get a prescription for Emla cream (to help with the pain of the IM injections) AND some Valium for the transfer.

I also can't believe that I haven't had any side effects from the Lupron. I was sure that I'd have headaches and hot flashes (because I usually get every.single.side.effect.listed). Besides some nausea from the BCPs I'm doing great.

I'm also pretty sure that the yoga is helping to keep my calm during all this.

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