Friday, April 30, 2010

And todays magic number is....14

Yay! I have 14 pre-embryos incubating in Frisco. Of the 22 eggs that were retrieved, only 16 were mature. 2 of those did not fertilize normally.

The embryologist said that she's call back on Sunday with an update.

I know that they probably won't all make it to transfer, but I'm hoping that 4 high quality embryos make it (so that I can transfer 2 and freeze 2 for later).

I'm feeling much better than I thought I'd be feeling today. No real pain, just a little uncomfortable. Nothing compared to the headaches I had a few days ago.

I'm enjoying my one day off from injections. Tommorow I start my progesterone injections.

Here are some pictures from the retrieval.

Last image of my(left) ovary before retrieval.

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