Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can I get some Lexapro w/ my gonal f

OK. So I've gone from great, to ok, to oh this sucks and now I'm officially batshit CRAZY.

I now understand why people want to blow up things. DCOL f'ed up my lab today. I scheduled my appt at freaking 7:30 AM so that I could have my labs/sono faxed to my doctor before noon.

And my lab was ordered STAT. So when my doctor's office called me at 2pm and stated that they hadn't received my lab I was confused. Turns out someone ordered it wrong and the results did not get faxed to my doctor. THAT IS NOT OK!!

So I had to leave work and drive across town to deal with their stupidity.

On a side note, the US went smoothly and my doctor got that report in a timely manner. Thanks Kannon's mom, who did my US.

So my report:

Right ovary 7 follicles
Left ovary 4 follicles

E2 level 142

I guess it wasn't great news because Dr. Ku wants me to go up on my Gonal F.

I go back to DCOL on Thursday for an US and labwork.

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