Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Finally made it to trigger

Things were looking better the US this morning.

29 total follicles. Only 16 are ready for retrieval though.

Tonight I'll give myself Ovidrel (hcg) trigger and retrieval is going to be on Thursday at 7:30 am. Then I'll have my transfer on Tuesday.

Tommorow I don't have any injections to give myself! But that won't last for long.

On Satruday I start daily IM progesterone injections.

I'm curious as to what my estradiol level will be today. Hope it isn't too high because I don't want to get Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. The nurse said I'm at risk for it because of my age, the number of follicles, and my estradiol level from yesterday).

So I'm drinking lots of water and I'm supposed to start weighing myself daily. Ugh.

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