Sunday, April 18, 2010


And so the side effects begin. Today (after 2 days of Gonal F) I'm starting to feel the way I did while on Clomid. It's hard to describe, but feeling like this sucks.

And I have had the worst(and only) headaches of my life! Tylenol is my friend.

I'd like to say I won't go through this again. That if my first IVF cycle doesn't work, I'll give up and move on.
But every month that I took Clomid, I swore that it would be my last month. And I wouldn't put myself through that again. And yet I took it for 6 I'm not going to say that this time.

I'm pretty sure that I'll keep trying until I'm 40 or run out of money.

I go in for my first US to check follicles on Tuesday at DCOL.
Until then I'll contine my twice a day injections. My Lupron was decreased to 5 units on Friday(when I started Gonal F). My Gonal F dose is 300.

Lupron in AM
Gonal F in PM

I've also started drinking 2 L of water a day. And Gatorade. And eating more protein. Trying to prevent OHSS.

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