Monday, April 19, 2010

I love IVF

So I'll start out by saying what I've been telling myself all day:

I'm thankful for the technology that allows me to try and conceive a biological child.

I'm thankful that we have the opportunity to give Brodie a sibling.

With that being said... OMFG!!!!!
I'm pretty sure that my eggs are ready to be harvested!

If I ever wondered where my ovaries I know for sure.

***I'm going in for my first US tomorrow, I'm pretty sure that I'll give myself the hcg trigger shot and they'll be ready to extract these eggs from my body on Thurs. ***

Or at least that's what I would like to do. I doubt my RE will agree though. And since he has much more training on the subject than me, I'll go with his recommendations.

Honestly, I think we'll trigger on Saturday night and retrieve on Monday and transfer on Friday. And delivery boy/girl twins around Christmas :) That is my educated non sarcastic guess/hope.

And I thought Clomid sucked.

Let me repeat what I said earlier:

I'm thankful for the technology that allows me to try and conceive a biological child.

I'm thankful that we have the opportunity to give Brodie a sibling.

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