Saturday, May 22, 2010

Beta # 2

On Monday 5/17 (13 dp5dt) my beta hcg was 2644.

US scheduled on June 3rd!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beta HCG

was 361 !!!

I'm 9 dp5dt.

Can't wait for my sono!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


So I broke down and took a test (acutally 4) since it was Mother's day and all...


They were positive!!!!!!!!!

I'm 5 dp 5dt.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Waiting is the hardest part...

or maybe not.

While I can't wait until my Beta on Friday, part of my doesn't want Friday to come.

Because right now I at least have the possibility of being pregnant. If I'm not pregnant next Friday, I won't be pregnant for a very long time.

So at the moment I don't know. I might be pregnant. Or I might not be. But I don't know. And it might be better that way.

At least now I can think that maybe I'll have a baby next January. This time next week I'll know.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Now that the Valium has worn off

My final thoughts on IVF:

Embryo transfer- much worse than I had expected
most painful experience of my life
IM injections- not as bad as I had feared
Egg retrieval- easier than I had thought
SQ injections- just as I expected
Side effects:
of BCPs- nausea just as I had expected
Lupron- none
Gonal F- severe headaches towards the end and generalized crazy feeling

I'm glad that I picked Dallas IVF where they do 5 day transfers(instead of day 3). I'm confident that we've done all that we can to increase our chances of getting pregnant. While I don't know what the outcome will be, I will not regret the money spent and trips made to Frisco.

I hope that we never have to return to Dallas IVF. I hope that my infertility will be cured and my family will be complete.

But if this doesn't work, we have 2 frozen embryos stored.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

5 day embryo transfer

My two perfect embryos were transferred into my uterus today. Now we must wait and see what happens.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Transfer Tomorrow

Tomorrow I'll get 2 of my embryos transferred into my uterus using a catheter. I'll be given Valium so that I'll be able to relax.

I'm excited and kinda looking foward to the 48 hours of bedrest.

I got my order of 10 HPTs in the mail from I'll probably start using them on Thursday. It will probably be + then from the hcg trigger, so I'll keep testing until it goes away. That way when I really start testing (probably next Wed, Thurs, and Fri I'll know that it isn't from the trigger). I have my official beta on Friday.

I hope this works!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Today's Report

8 great
4 good
2 poor

The IM progesterone shots aren't NEAR as bad as I had feared.

I'm just sleepy. And still a little sore from the retrieval. In fact, I was MUCH more sore yesterday than on Friday.